Sheen Surgery

Sheen Lane Health Centre, Sheen Lane, East Sheen, London, SW14 8LP

Telephone: 020 8876 4086

The surgery is now closed. Please call 111 or 999 if you need medical assistance

Community Dementia Services - please click on link for more information regarding local dementia services. Dementia_signposting_directory_-_V14.pdf (

Clinics & Services


Kathy Hilton holds a dietetic session fortnightly by appointment on referral by the doctor.

Health Visitor

The Health Visiting Team is run by Central London Community Health Care and is available for advice on health, particularly for pregnant women, young children and the elderly.

The Health Visitor can be seen by appointment only. They can be contacted by telephone on : 0330 058 1679

Child Health

Appointments for childhood immunisations can be made with the Practice Nurse at any time. Regular development checks are carried out by both the doctor and Health Visitor.

Family Planning

We provide advice in all aspects and methods of family planning, including coil fitting. Please make an appointment with your doctor or the practice nurse.

Maternity Care

Our doctor will provide full antenatal and post natal care in conjunction with local specialists and community midwives.

Community Nursing

We have a community nursing team for services to housebound patients. Your doctor can arrange for district nurses to help housebound patients.


You can now self-refer to physiotherapy by clicking the link Physio self-referral

If you ado not have access to the internet you can call 0208 714 4019 for help making a self referral,


We offer limited appointments for blood tests with the Healthcare Assistants Mon – Fri. Queen Mary’s Hospital Roehampton offer a walk-in phlebotomy service Mon- Fri 08.30 – 16.45

Healthcare Assistant

Val Goodman

Emily Demiray

The nurse can be seen in our treatment room by appointment for:

  • Travel advice and immunisation
  • Blood pressure checks
  • Cervical smears
  • Minor injuries
  • Removal of stitches and dressings
  • Advice about minor problems and health education