Sheen Surgery

Sheen Lane Health Centre, Sheen Lane, East Sheen, London, SW14 8LP

Telephone: 020 8876 4086

The surgery is now closed. Please call 111 or 999 if you need medical assistance

Community Dementia Services - please click on link for more information regarding local dementia services. Dementia_signposting_directory_-_V14.pdf (

Summary Care Record

NHS England proposes to upload data from patient’s medical records to assist clinicians giving care when you are not attending your own surgery, for example if you were attending an Emergency department.

Unless patients use their right to opt out of this process, Practices cannot refuse to allow the upload.  The link below will take you to a site giving more information:

If after reading this information, you decide not to allow your records to be uploaded, you must inform the surgery so that we can enter a code to prevent this. An opt-out form is available from Reception or you can find it on the above link.

Please note this is not the same as the previous upload, which just lists your NHS number, medications and allergies.