Sheen Surgery

Sheen Lane Health Centre, Sheen Lane, East Sheen, London, SW14 8LP

Telephone: 020 8876 4086

The surgery is now closed. Please call 111 or 999 if you need medical assistance

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Infection Control

Dr Johnson and Partners

Infection control annual statement

Reviewed June 2020



  • Sheen lane Health Centre is a purpose built building with two floors. A range of clinical services including child immunisations, clinical examinations, minor surgery and phlebotomy are provided to our patients.
  • Our aim is to maintain the highest possible standards of infection control to ensure a safe environment for our patients, staff and visitors in order to be in line with both National and local guidelines.Purpose
  • In line with part 3 .section 1.4 of the Health and Social care act 2008; code of practice on the prevention and control of infection and its related guidance ,the infection control prevention lead should produce an annual statement with regard to compliance with practice on infection prevention and cleanliness to be generated each year. It will be published on our website and be available on request. This statement will summarise;
  • -Details of audit programme, which will ensure that appropriate polices have been developed and implemented.
  • -Any infection transmission incidents and actions taken
  • -Details of infection control risk assessments undertaken
  • -Details of staff training
  • -Details of any review of policy and procedure and guidelines.Implementation
  • Infection control lead – Tracie Edwards, Practice Nurse and Sima Mistry, Practice Nurse , supported by Susanne Bauer, Practice Manager.
  • The role of the infection control lead is outlined below;
  • -Promotes awareness of all infection control issues within the practice environment, envolving both practice staff and clients.
  • -Implementation of infection control policies
  • -Undertake practice based infection control audits
  • -Motivate staff clinical and nonclinical to complete infection control training and keep records of all training.
  • -Be proactive in assessing risks and implementing changes required in order to maintain a safe environment.Significant events
  • There have been no significant infection control events June 2019-june 2020
  • Covid-19 pandemic has been managed effectively and isolation RED zone in operation.
  • Staff Training; Infection Control and COSH training ONLINE delivered by Blue stream ,due to COVID19.
  • After competing this module staff should be able to describe the consequences of health care associated infections (HCAI) to patients and to identify ways which can help to protect patients .They should also be able to define good personal hygiene procedures and understand the importance of clean equipment and work environment.Audits/risk Assessments
  • The following audits /assessments were carried out in this practice June 2019-june 2020
  • 1, Date of assessments and Designation of person completing audits
    • 16/01/2020 Tracie edwards- practice nurse
    • 11/06/2020 Tracie Edwards – practice nurseAudit –key findings /actions
    • Covid-19 isolation rooms in operation, separate donning and doffing rooms alongside isolation examination room. Area fully compliant with the up-to-date PHE/NHS England Covid-19 guidance. Separate entrance/exit in operation directly out onto car park on ground floor.PPE supply compliant with PHE policy and there is clear signage re donning and doffing correctly. All cleaning fluids appropriate to Covid-19 recommendations.
    • PPE- Practice manager reports daily by 10 am stock levels and weekly delivery of PPE received on a Monday.
    • Reception areas now covid -19 secure ,minimal seating and hand sanitiser provided.
    • All staff observing social distances, staff working from home and in teams to facilitate resilience during pandemic .
    • All toys removed from reception areas
    • Stair carpet and reception chairs cleaned May 2020 ,all disposable curtains replaced June 2020
    • All staff have completed Covid-19 blue stream module
    • Temporary screen erected at reception desk to be replaced with permanent fixture.
    • Antibody testing offered to all staff
  • Date of last assessment by NHS North and East London Commissioning support unit 04/10/2016
  • Date of last assessment by Care Quality Commission 19/07/2016
  • Care Quality Commission 0verall rating –Good , the practice was assessed and the report concluded that the practice maintained appropriate standards of cleanliness and hygiene. Staff were up-to-date with training and the practice nurse was infection control lead who liaised with the local infection prevention teams and kept up-to-date with best practice .
  • NHS North and East London commissioning support unit –compliance score 98%, in the majority of areas assessed the practice scored 100% ,
  • Lead Nurse reviewed infection control policies and Practice manager ensured all correct on shared drive for easy access
  • All clinical areas were found to be tidy and clutter free;
  • All curtains are disposable ; THEY ARE REPLACED EVERY 6 MONTHS-rota uptodate on shared drive
  • Waste and clinical disposal contract in operation and effective;
  • Infection control policy in operation, all staff have read policy and signed register( kept by practice manager).
  • The lead practice nurse keeps up-to-date Records of staff immunisation /immune status to Hep B / ETC
  • Hand hygiene practiced –posters are in all rooms, wall hung soap dispensers and paper towels, aprons and nail brushes are available.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided as per PHE and all staff aware guidance –supported by laminated concise table/summary
  • All sharps disposed of safely
  • Body fluids spillage kit available and signposted to ensure all staff aware of location.
  • Decontamination equipment available in all areas including alcohol hand rub for all patients, and for GPs bags
  • Safe handling specimens, separate specimen fridge provided and temperature records k
  • All fridges checked re temp and cleaning regime
  • Drug cupboard temp monitored daily
  • Policy re needle stick injury on shared drive and laminated signs in all clinical rooms
  • Infection control policy on shared drive reviewed in 12m period valid for 2 years

Sign posting re infection control /resus equipment in all rooms in order that staff can locate infection control and emergency equipment e.g. body fluid spillag