Physio Self-referral
You can now refer yourself to the local NHS physiotherapy service directly – instead of visiting your GP first if you are over 16 years old. Click here to read the leaflet.
Please follow the link Click here to fill in a self referral to Physiotherapy First, or HRCH NHS Trust website,
If you are unable to access the internet or have someone to help you please call: 020 8714 4019 where someone can fill in the form with you.
A physiotherapist can assess you and give you some advice on how to manage your problem by yourself, or offer you a course of treatment.
Common conditions a physiotherapist could help with:
- Back or neck pain
- Sprains and strains
- Sports injuries
- Trapped nerves
- Shoulder pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Whiplash
Self referral service – without visiting your GP